Managers Support and Development
- Developing Together: Organisational Development Toolkit for Leaders and Managers - This toolkit offers ideas, support and models on how to engage and develop
individuals and teams to achieve objectives and outcomes. This toolkit can also be used as a source of reference. - North East Leadership & Management Development - These pages provide development options for leadership, management, coaching, mentoring, medical management and leadership, quality improvement, talent development, skills development and masterclasses for the North East of Scotland (to access the content you will need to log in to your Turas Learn account).
- Psychological First Aid How to provide a humane, supportive and flexible response to someone who is suffering during or after crises or emergencies. NHS Education for Scotland
- Practical advice on how managers can sustain their own wellbeing to help themselves and their teams during difficult times. NHS Education for Scotland (please be advised that we are currently unable to provide a link to this resource at present. We hope to be able to resolve this asap)
- Finding the space to slow down - The King's Fund
- Radical Candor In 6 Minutes With Kim Scott - Radical Candor author and co-founder breaks down the principles of Radical Candor is six minutes. Radical Candor™ is Caring Personally while Challenging Directly. At its core, Radical Candor is guidance and feedback that’s both kind and clear, specific and sincere.
- 4 top tips to build psychological safety in your workplace
We welcome your feedback. Please e-mail with details of what you would like to see included on this page.
Published: 15/11/2021 15:22