Values Based Reflective Practice


Values Based Reflective Practice

What is VBRP® who is it for and how does it work?

VBRP® is available to all staff within NHS Grampian. It is currently being delivered either in person within Covid-19 guidelines or via Teams.

It is part of a national initiative aimed at enhancing staff experience. It offers practical tools to support staff so that they are more able to deliver the care they came into the service to provide by enabling them to:

  • (Re)connect with their core values and motivations
  • Reflect on their work in a supportive setting
  • Enhance their relationships with colleagues
  • Develop their resilience and well-being at work

Very often, people don’t ask for help until there is a sense of crisis and a feeling that “I am not coping”. VBRP® offers a regular form of support which can be embedded in our working lives reducing the build up of stress and enabling continuing professional development. Small group sessions (2-6) last  between 20-30 minutes, and are guided by a trained facilitator using the VBRP® model which is designed to give a clear structure to the group keeping the process safe and responsive.

What are the benefits of using VBRP®?

Taking part in a VBRP® session enables staff to get behind the assumptions which they might make in the hurry of life in a busy hospital and to really hear each other VBRP® doesn’t force a solution, but gives staff space to look at other possibilities and it does this in a safe and supportive way which leads to an increased level of trust within teams. Here are a couple of quotes from staff members who are part of groups:

“This is a brilliant mechanism to support individuals and teams in busy demanding environments. It offers teams a short time out to listen to one another, give supportive and encouraging feedback – to give staff ‘a voice’.”

And simply

“You give us the luxury of being heard.”

How can staff find out more and explore VBRP® further?

If you would like to find out more or book a taster session please contact Sue Rayner at or on 01224 (5)52219 or 07584217188


Published: 14/04/2021 16:27