
We know from local experiences and research that working throughout the pandemic has caused a lot of stress and distress among health and social care staff so in 2022 NHS Grampian partnered up with Horseback UK to run a pilot for staff.  We Care oversaw this work with support from the Nursing, Midwifery, and Allied Health Professionals (NMAHP) Directorate linking with staff at Horseback UK based in Aboyne.


Horseback UK are a charity that were established to support Military Personnel but with success over the years in this area Horseback have extended their remit to offer support and are now able to focus on the wider community including the NHS. Horseback UK works with individuals, using the behaviours of horses to help make sense of how people feel and behave and helps support them to develop strategies that enable them to overcome the impact stress and distress that the pandemic has had on their life.


As part of an initial pilot, We Care offered 60 spaces to our staff from across the system to participate in the initial 8 week online, interactive programme. The course was 1.5 hours per week with 3 groups of 20 staff in each. Two courses started in May 2022 with the third starting in October 2022.


Participants took part in a wellbeing survey at the start and finish of the course and an evaluation was conducted including running focus groups. The evaluation was really positive. Horseback UK arranged for a family open day in summer 2022 and a number of staff attended this session meeting the staff and the horses face to face. On 22 February 2023 Horseback UK conducted a bespoke 4 week pilot for Facilities & Estates staff as part of the ‘Timeout for Wellbeing’ initiative.


Should you require any further information please contact    

Published: 01/03/2023 15:20