Schwartz Rounds

Schwartz rounds are run all over the world and are a way of helping all staff (clinical and non-clinical) to come together for one hour to discuss and reflect on the emotional and social aspects of working in healthcare. This is done in a safe, structured way with 3 “panellists” each sharing a 5 minute story that has arisen in their work, followed by audience discussion where colleagues can reflect on what they have heard or share their own stories.  For more information watch this brief Film, you can also contact


The palliative care team started running Schwartz Rounds in September 2022 as a pilot for NHS Grampian.  Topics have included “The time I made a difference at work”; “Covid positive” and “Too young today” where our 3 panellists had all worked with the same patient.  We alternate on a monthly basis between face to face rounds in Roxburghe House, and online rounds on Teams.  The rounds have been well attended and feedback from staff has been very positive.  We have a clinical lead for Schwartz Rounds from within the palliative care team and six staff members have been trained as facilitators by the Point of Care Foundation (who hold the licence for Schwartz Rounds).  Some of the facilitators are from out with the Palliative team and would be available to support Schwartz Rounds in other areas of NHS Grampian. 


For Schwartz rounds to be successful and sustainable, there needs to be strong leadership and commitment from senior staff in that area in order to identify and prepare panellists for monthly rounds, and encourage and / or release staff members to be able to attend.  If other service areas have this level of commitment, existing facilitators will be able to support the running of Schwartz Rounds.  

Published: 08/02/2023 11:59