13 June 2024


Item 4 - Minutes of Meeting on 11 April 2024

Item 5 - Chief Executive’s Report

Item 6 - How Are We Doing Performance Report

Item  7 - Three-Year Delivery Plan (2024-27), Medium-Term Financial Framework (2024-29) & Workforce Plan Annual Update:
Update | Delivery Plan | Medium Term Financial Framework | Workforce Plan Update | Integrated Impact Assessment Update | Three Year Delivery Plan Summary

Item 8 - Baird and ANCHOR Update

Item 9 - Research and Development (R&D) Strategy 2024-29: Cover Paper | Strategy

Item 10 - Health Inequities: Progress during 2023/24 and Five Year Health Equity Plan 2024 - 2029:
Cover Paper | Annual Report | Summary Plan Version | Full Plan Version

Item 11 - Putting People First: Cover Paper | Framework | Summary

Item 12 - Forum and Integration Joint Boards (IJB) Reports

Item 13 - Approved Committee, Forum and IJB Minutes



Integration Joint Boards (IJBs)


Published: 17/06/2024 13:36