Dr Grays Hospital

Welcome to Dr Gray's Hospital.  These page contains information which you and your relatives or carers may find useful during a stay or visit.  If you are unsure about anything while at the hospital, please ask a member of staff, they will be happy to help.

Birth in Grampian (Maternity Services) website

Visit our dedicated website Birth in Grampian for information on maternity services offered in Grampian.

Temporary pause of orthopaedic surgery at Dr Gray's Hospital

As previously announced, due to an unprecedented level of unexpected and long-term absence among our orthopaedic team at Dr Gray’s Hospital, in Elgin, we are continuing to undertake all orthopaedic surgery in Aberdeen. For more information, click this link.

Dr Grays Hospital - historical background

The bequest of "twenty thousand pounds sterling" by Dr Alexander Gray in 1807 laid the foundation for the establishment of the original Dr Gray's Hospital in Elgin. Naturally many changes and expansions have taken place since that time. The most notable change was the £22 million redevelopment of the hospital which took place between 1993 and 1997.

Dr Gray's Hospital is situated in the west end of Elgin, at the end of the High Street. The main access to the hospital is located on the A96 Aberdeen to Inverness road.

In-patient services are provided in the following specialties:

  • geriatric assessment
  • gynaecology
  • medicine
  • obstetrics
  • opthalmology
  • orthopaedics
  • paediatrics and surgery.

A full range of services are also provided including anaesthetics, dietetics, laboratories, occupational therapy, pharmacy, physiotherapy and x-ray.

The redevelopment of Dr Gray's Hospital arose from a comprehensive review of acute health care services in Moray. After a full option appraisal of the best way to deliver an expanded range of acute services locally, the Scottish Office gave approval in May 1990 to the option of redeveloping the hospital on the existing site. Construction began in February 1993 with the foundation stone being laid by the Secretary of State for Scotland in June of that year.

The first stage was completed in May 1995 and comprised of the main ward block and almost all the new beds. There were new wards for surgery, orthopaedics, obstetrics, gynaecology, paediatrics and a new day ward. The existing theatre was upgraded and a new theatre suite with three new theatres was introduced. Further expansion saw a 5 bedded delivery suite within the maternity unit and a 4 cot special care baby unit. A new kitchen, staff restaurant, laboratory, pharmacy and staff changing facilities were also provided. The second stage was completed in January 1997 and included a new acute psychiatric ward and new out-patient, accident and emergency and imaging departments. The third stage was completed in 1997 which encompassed the upgrading of the original building.


Dr Gray's Hospital, Elgin, IV30 1SN
Tel:  0345 456 6000


Visiting times are subject to change. You should phone the ward before planning your visit to confirm what the visiting times are, by calling the NHS Grampian switchboard on 0345 456 6000 and asking to be put through to the ward.

Dr Grays Hospital, Pluscarden Road


There are three types of parking for patients and visitors, each area is clearly signposted:

  • Short stay car parks
  • Long stay car parks
  • The 'drop off' parking area

Patients who have been unexpectedly delayed at hospital should tell ward/clinic staff that they have a car in the car park as soon as possible.

Inpatients only: Due to the pressure on car parking space at the hospital, please do not park in the car park for the duration of your stay in hospital. However, if this is unavoidable, please tell the ward staff on your arrival so that they can inform the car park attendants.

Disabled parking

Designated disabled parking spaces are available close to the hospital buildings. If you are a disabled badge holder, please make sure your badge is clearly displayed.

Disabled badge holders must not park on double yellow lines within the complex. This restriction is to allow continual access for emergency vehicles, including fire engines.

Disabled parking badges should only be used when the driver is disabled, or if the disabled person is a passenger in the vehicle. If neither apply, you should not display the disabled parking badge in your vehicle and you should not occupy any of the disabled parking spaces.

Important information

The following applies to all car park users:
  • You must only park in spaces for patients.
  • You could receive a civil penalty fine if you park inappropriately (on double yellow lines, in a disabled space without valid permit, in medical emergency spaces, across multiple bays, etc), or if you do not have a correctly dated parking ticket clearly displayed on your windscreen or dashboard.

Patient Transport

If you require further advice about traveling to and from your medical appointment the Transport to Healthcare Information Centre (THInC) can help. They provide practical transport advice for people who have difficulty getting to and from medical appointments in Grampian.

The service provides a dedicated telephone service offering guidance on accessing suitable transport options to get to and from appointments when they have no means of personal transport. The centre can provide details of suitable bus or train times, contact telephone numbers and other services such as local dial-a-bus or voluntary car schemes.

Please note that THInC does not book transport but can assist with travel advice.

The centre is the first of its kind in the UK and is a joint initiative between Aberdeen City Council, Aberdeenshire Council, Moray Council, NHS Grampian, The Scottish Ambulance Service and Nestrans.  THInC is one of the projects taken forward as part of the Health and Transport Action Plan.

To use the service please call THInC on 01467 536111 between 9am-4.30pm, Monday to Friday.


Travel costs

If you receive Income Support, Working Tax Credit (with Child Tax Credit or with a disability element), Job Seeker's Allowance (income based) or Pension Credit Guarantee Credit, you may be entitled to help with hospital travel costs. If you are named on an HC2 or HC3 certificate or complete an HC5 form, you may also be entitled to help with travel costs. You must bring details of your benefits and appointment card when you attend the hospital. Please keep any tickets and receipts as proof of your travel costs. Please note that reimbursement will only be at the cheapest public transport rate.

Reimbursement and queries are dealt with by:

Outpatients' reception desk, by the Main Entrance

Those receiving the above named benefits, travelling with children under 16 are entitled to claim expenses for one escort. If on medical grounds, your child needs two escorts you will receive reimbursement for both.

If you are not receiving these benefits and require help to pay your travelling expenses, a form HC1 can be obtained from the outpatients' reception desk. You should return the completed form in the pre-paid envelope provided.

Patients from the Highland Health Board area

Patients travelling from the Highland Health Board area are entitled to help with travel costs, minus a deduction of £10 per journey for those not in receipt of an eligible benefit - Link opens in new windowrefer to this form for full details.

Anyone wishing to submit a claim should complete this form and present it in person at the General Office, Aberdeen Royal Infirmary, or send it by post to:

General Office
Aberdeen Royal Infirmary
AB25 2ZN

Alternatively send your completed form by e-mail to gram.patienttravelari@nhs.scot.

Driving and medical fitness - reminder to patients

If you hold a driving licence, remember you are required by law to notify the Driver and Vehicle Licensing Agency (DVLA) as soon as you become aware that you are suffering from any condition which is, or which may become, likely to affect your ability to drive. If you are in any doubt about whether you should notify the DVLA, consult your doctor.

If you hold a paper licence or a photocard licence you should tell the Drivers' Medical Group, DVLA, Swansea, SA99 1TU. You can also contact them on 0300 790 6806 or email eftd@dvla.gsi.gov.uk

Notifying the DVLA does not necessarily mean the licence will be withdrawn but simply that the Agency can review the situation.

Patients from Shetland

Please contact the Patient Travel Officer at NHS Shetland as soon as possible so that your travel arrangements can be organised in good time.

Write to:
Patient Travel Office
Gilbert Bain Hospital
Telephone: (01595) 743305

Patients from Orkney

The tickets are issued under the Highlands & Islands travel scheme and are booked through your GP. Please ask your GP for a travel pack which will contain all the information you will need.

Wards & Visiting

0345 456 6000

This ward deals with all day case appointments. When attending this ward you will be given a hospital bed but you will not stay overnight. 

Day case appontments can include tests or treatments such as minor surgery, dialysis or chemotherapy. 

Leval 1

There is not meal time for this ward

0345 456 6000
0345 456 6000

Inpatient Paedatrics 

Breakfast 7.15am to 8.00am

Lunch 12 noon to 1.00pm

Evening Meals 5.00pm to 6.00pm

Hot and cold drinks are served at other times during the day

0345 456 6000
01343 567 220

The maternity is situated on the 1st floor. Good access via main entrance or via A & E entrance and good access for the incubator.

There are 4 special care cots and a number of transitional care beds.  There is both piped air and oxygen and plenty of power points.

There are always 2 neonatal trained midwives on duty.  All staff have completed NRP training with yearly in-house updates.  There is a consultant paediatrician and an SHO on call for the unit.  The consultant may be on call from home.  They cover A&E and paediatrics.  The SHO covers obstetrics overnight. 

Level 1

Breakfast 7.15am to 8.00am

Lunch 12 noon to 1.00pm

Evening Meals 5.00pm to 6.00pm

Hot and cold drinks are served at other times during the day

01343 567 220
0345 456 6000

Ward 4 in Dr Gray’s Hospital is an 18-bedded acute psychiatric admission ward for adult and old age psychiatric patients. The ward also occasionally provides care and treatment for young people and patients with a learning disability

Breakfast 7.15am to 8.00am

Lunch 12 noon to 1.00pm

Evening Meals 5.00pm to 6.00pm

Hot and cold drinks are served at other times during the day

0345 456 6000
0345 456 6000

If you require a female surgical procedure you will admitted to this ward.  

Breakfast 7.15am to 8.00am

Lunch 12 noon to 1.00pm

Evening Meals 5.00pm to 6.00pm

Hot and cold drinks are served at other times during the day

0345 456 6000
0345 456 6000

If your require Orthopaedic surgery or treatment you will be admitted into this ward

Breakfast 7.15am to 8.00am

Lunch 12 noon to 1.00pm

Evening Meals 5.00pm to 6.00pm

Hot and cold drinks are served at other times during the day

0345 456 6000
0345 456 6000

Older patients who are acutely unwell and require hospital treatment will be admitted into this ward

Level 1

Breakfast 7.15am to 8.00am

Lunch 12 noon to 1.00pm

Evening Meals 5.00pm to 6.00pm

Hot and cold drinks are served at other times during the day

0345 456 6000
0345 456 6000
Level 1

This ward is for patients who require more intensive observation, treatment and nursing care which would not be available in a general ward

0345 456 6000
0345 456 6000

This ward provides care to adult patients who have a variety of general medical needs

Level 1

Breakfast 7.15am to 8.00am

Lunch 12 noon to 1.00pm

Evening Meals 5.00pm to 6.00pm

Hot and cold drinks are served at other times during the day

0345 456 6000
0345 456 6000

This ward provides care to male adult patients who have a variety of general medical needs

Level 1

Breakfast 7.15am to 8.00am

Lunch 12 noon to 1.00pm

Evening Meals 5.00pm to 6.00pm

Hot and cold drinks are served at other times during the day

0345 456 6000
0345 456 6000

The A&E department (also known as emergency department or casualty) deals with genuine life-threatening emergencies, such as:

  • loss of consciousness
  • acute confused state and fits that are not stopping
  • chest pain
  • breathing difficulties
  • severe bleeding that cannot be stopped
  • severe allergic reactions
  • severe burns or scalds
  • stroke
  • major trauma such as a road traffic accident
Level 1

There is no meal times for this ward 

0345 456 6000

More Information

Hospital chaplains

Coming into hospital can be a worrying experience and it can be hard to cope with. The hospital chaplains are here to help during this demanding time. A hospital chaplain is available to meet you or your relatives at any time, day or night. Chaplains are willing to visit anyone - people of any faith or none. Please ask a member of staff to contact a chaplain for you.

If you wish, the Chaplaincy Department will be happy to inform your local church or faith group that you are in hospital. Please make sure that you provide this information when you are admitted.

More information about the spiritual care at our hospitals.

An inter-denominational service of Family Worship for patients, families and staff takes place at 11.00am each Sunday morning in the Hospital Chapel (Ground floor, opposite Ward 8).

Any patient wishing to attend this service should let ward staff know and they will contact the chaplaincy to organise a wheelchair and escort (if required).

Social Work Department

There are social workers in the hospital who are willing to discuss any non-medical problems resulting from your visit. You can contact the Social Work Department through the Receptionist.

Do you look after someone?

Further information is available at this link.

Fire alarms

The fire alarm is tested every Tuesday morning. Staff will tell you if you should leave the area at any time.

Mobile phones

You can use your mobile phone in many areas of the hospital. However in some areas you can't use your mobile phone as the signals can affect vital medical equipment.  Please check with staff if you are unsure.

Unauthorised photography, filming or recording

No one is allowed to make unauthorised photos, video or audio recordings in NHS Grampian buildings and grounds, particularly if they feature other patients, staff, carers, or visitors. This is to respect the privacy and dignity of individuals using our services and also our staff.


NHS Grampian's grounds are now smoke free - this means no-one is allowed to smoke anywhere on site at any of our premises, including all external areas.

If you are visiting a friend or relative in a hospital, you will not be allowed to smoke anywhere in the hospital building, or in the grounds. Plan your visit to the hospital by bringing a nicotine replacement product, such as gum or a patch, to help reduce cravings. If you need advice on which nicotine replacement product is right for you, ask your pharmacist, or contact our smoking advice service on 08085 202030 about quitting.
Patients who stay over in hospital are not allowed to smoke at all anywhere on the hospital site. That includes the outside areas. We encourage patients to give up smoking. However, if you can't go without smoking and don't want to give up, you can ask ward staff for a nicotine replacement product to help reduce cravings.

What does it mean for you?

Smoking, including the use of e-cigarettes, is not allowed anywhere on site at any of the hospitals premises, including all external areas. All designated smoking areas have been removed.
If you wish to stop smoking, call the smoking advice service free on 08085 202030, or visit your local pharmacist for advice.
If you are visiting a friend or family member in hospital you will not be allowed to smoke anywhere in the hospital buildings or in the grounds. Plan your visit to the hospital and bring a nicotine replacement product to help you manage your cravings.


Alcohol must not be consumed in the hospital or its grounds.


NHS Grampian does not accept unauthorised drugs or illicit substances being brought on to its premises.

Violence and aggression

To ensure staff are able to provide and patients are able to receive health care of the highest quality, NHS Grampian requests that service users:

Do not act in a manner that humiliates, frightens or makes staff or other patients feel unsafe or vulnerable. This includes verbal abuse, threats, antisocial behaviour, harassment, bullying and physical assault. NHS Grampian takes this behaviour extremely seriously and will take appropriate action in all cases.


SALT 01343 553 100
DrGraysPhysiotherapy 0345 456 6000
DrGraysOphthalmology 0345 456 6000
Anaesthetics 0345 456 6000
Radiology 0345 456 6000
Ears, nose & throat (ENT) 0345 456 6000
Pain clinic 0345 456 6000
Dermatology 0345 456 6000
Occupational Therapy 0345 456 6000
Dietetics 01343 567350
Psychiatry 0345 456 6000
Renal Dialysis 01343 567241
Dental 0345 4566000
Orthodontic 0345 456 6000
Audiology 0345 456 6000
Chiropody 0345 456 6000
Sexual Health (GUM) 0345 337 9900
Clinical Research in NHS Grampian


There is a shop, canteen and a cash machine at Dr Gray's Hospital

Shop and Canteen

We have a shop and a canteen run by the Royal Voluntary Service.  These are located within the main entrance of the hospital.

Opening times:
Monday to Friday 7.30am-4pm

Trolley service

A trolley service, also run by the Royal Voluntary Service, visits the wards on a regular basis, selling newspapers, confectionery and toiletries.

Shared Facility

Published: 17/03/2025 10:01