
COVID-19 Variant of Concern

Following confirmation that three cases of a COVID-19 Variant of Concern originating in Brazil have been identified locally, NHS Grampian is moving to reassure people in the region.

Moray residents asked to help drive down local covid numbers

The daily number of new cases amongst Moray residents remains significantly higher than the pre-December period and the local population is being asked to help drive this down.

Aberdeen Community Testing Facility opens for key workers

In support of the city’s response to the pandemic, a new facility for key workers without Covid-19 symptoms will begin offering lateral flow tests from Monday 22nd February.

Venue changes for Moray COVID-19 vaccination programme

From Monday 22 February 2021 activities at the satellite vaccination centres in Keith, Forres, Buckie, and Dufftown will be paused. All appointments will take place at the Fiona Elcock Vaccination Centre in Elgin, with the next cohort – people aged 16-64, with underlying health conditions which put them at higher risk - getting underway on Wednesday 24 February.

Covid-19 ICU staff raise thousands for food bank charity

Frontline medics, who are caring for NHS Grampian’s sickest Covid-19 patients, are raising thousands of pounds for a local food bank by covering 3,654km in their breaks - the distance from their ward to the North Pole.

Change of venue for Forres vaccination clinic

As part of contingency planning for the delivery of the COVID-19 vaccination programme in Moray, as from Monday 22 February the Forres clinic will relocate to the larger venue of the Forres Town Hall.

Consultation Draft of the NHS Grampian Equality Outcomes Report 2021-2025

NHS Grampian is consulting on our priorities over the next four years in the areas of: Race, Disability, Sexual orientation, Religion or belief, Sex (male or female), Gender reassignment, Age, Pregnancy and maternity & Marriage and civil partnership

Dr Gray’s Hospital to support urological cancer care for North of Scotland patients

Dr Gray’s Hospital in Elgin will provide enhanced diagnostic capacity for patients suffering from urological cancers in the North of Scotland from later this month.

Launch of COVID-19 Vaccination Grampian Website

Our dedicated COVID-19 vaccination website is now live. Please visit www.covidvaxgrampian.com for more information.