NHS Grampian News

New report lays out health challenges facing people in Grampian


Grampian’s Director of Public Health has published their annual report, with the cost of living, higher demand for health & social care services, infectious diseases, and climate change identified as the big challenges to the wellbeing of local people.

Fit for work, with the help of nurses, physios and others


Fit for work, with the help of nurses, physios and others

Inverurie Medical Practice to end contract with NHS Grampian


Inverurie Medical Practice to end contract with NHS Grampian

Successful challenge motivates NHS Grampian staff to walk thousands of extra steps


NHS Grampian staff have walked 600 million steps as part of a step challenge that saw over 10% of employees taking part. Over 1800 NHS Grampian staff challenged themselves to walk extra steps across four weeks in a bid to boost their wellbeing and physical activity levels. The bespoke challenge, organised in partnership with Paths for All, also saw more staff ditching their cars to walk to work instead.

Research reveals Orkney cancer gene link - now testing to take place


One in 100 people who have grandparents from Orkney have a gene variant that causes a higher risk of developing breast and ovarian cancer, a study has found.

World Delirium Awareness Day


World Delirium Awareness Day is the 13th March.

NHS Grampian publishes community feedback report for Moray maternity services


NHS Grampian publishes community feedback report for Moray maternity services

Baird Family Hospital and ANCHOR Centre


NHS Grampian's Board will receive an update on the Baird Family Hospital and ANCHOR Centre at its April meeting, which will include details on the anticipated level of delay to both buildings’ completion.

Grampian residents who smoke urged to ‘Quit and Win’ on No Smoking Day


Health charity ASH Scotland is urging Grampian residents to consider giving up smoking this No Smoking Day (Wednesday 8 March 2023) to benefit their health, wellbeing and personal finances.