Laboratory Genetics

Laboratory Genetics & Molecular Pathology Service

The Laboratory Genetics & Molecular Pathology Service, Aberdeen is part of the Scottish Strategic Network for Genomic Medicine (SSNGM), along with the Dundee, Edinburgh and Glasgow laboratories. Genomics services are commissioned by National Services Division (NSD). The laboratories provide comprehensive testing for Rare & inherited disease (Germline) and Cancer (Somatic).

A current list of testing available in Scotland can be found in the test directories for Rare & Inherited disease and Cancer.

The Aberdeen laboratory provides local and national testing services for a range of conditions. National specialist services include Hereditary Breast and Ovarian cancer (East of Scotland), Cardiac Arrhythmias, Metabolic conditions, Primary immunodeficiencies, Chromosome breakage and Eye disorders.

Laboratory Genetics in Aberdeen operates in compliance with ISO 15189:2012.

A copy of our most recent Laboratory Genetics newsletter (August 2023) is available.

Opening hours:

Monday to Friday 09:00-17:00

There is no weekend, bank holiday or on-call service for out of hours work.


Genetics and Molecular Pathology Laboratory Services
Polwarth Building
AB25 2ZD​

Telephone: 01224 553893 / 553820


Key contacts

Head of Laboratory

Christine Bell:

Deputy Head of Laboratory

Dawn O’Sullivan:

Sending samples

A current list of testing available in Scotland can be found in the test directories for Rare & Inherited disease and Cancer. This includes details of referral criteria, who can refer, where testing is delivered and reporting times.

For details of sample requirements, refer to our User Manual (GEN USER 001 v4.0).

When sending samples, please select the appropriate form(s) from the list below

Rare & inherited disease (Germline)

Cancer (Somatic)

For specific proformas from the other SSNGM laboratories, please visit their respective laboratory website:


Published: 11/03/2025 09:38