Guides and Indexes
This page has some research guides and indexes to various records held within NHS Grampian Archives collections. More information will be added regularly, but please don't hesitate to contact Fiona Musk, NHS Grampian Archivist by emailing if you have any queries.
You can also visit our online catalogue for details on what is held within the collections - to narrow down results to only those from NHS Grampian Archives, select 'GB 1105 NHS Grampian Archives' from the drop down menu. Information on accessing the records can be found on our 'Services and Access' pages.
This section will be regularly updated.
NHS Grampian Archives Collections Policy
Blog Posts
NHS Grampian Archives has an occasional series on the University of Aberdeen's Special Collections Centre blog. All posts can be found on the NHS Grampian Archives guest blog page.
These are indexes of some of the records NHS Grampian Archives hold which relate to patient admissions. Under the Data Protection Act only information which is more than 100 years old is included. Please note that work is ongoing to publish more indexes, so please keep checking back to see what has been added.
You may be asked to download the file. If you are on a computer and the file opens in a new tab, you may need to click three dots on the right hand side to open the 'find' option in order to search. Please email if you require assistance.
Kingseat Hospital Admissions, 1904 - 1922
Ladysbridge Hospital Admissions, 1865 - 1914
Stonehaven Poorhouse Admissions, 1867 - 1917 (opens in Excel)
Aberdeen Royal Lunatic Asylum Admissions, 1800 - 1924 (opens in Excel)
Royal Aberdeen Children's Hospital Admissions, 1877 - 1900 (opens in Excel)
Aberdeen County Tuberculosis Register of Deaths, 1916 - 1923 - View images online
This map shows the locations of the various hospitals NHS Grampian Archives holds records for. The blue pins note hospitals which are still operating today, while the white pins show hospitals which have closed. If a hospital has moved location, there may be more than one pin to show where it previously was.
View Historic Hospitals in the North East of Scotland in a larger map
Published: 11/03/2025 15:04