Round Up – 27 August 2024
Round Up – 27 August 2024 - North East Place & Wellbeing Network
For those who missed the presentations delivered at August’s North East Place and Wellbeing Network please follow this link to watch back the recording click here. Paul Southworth (NHS Grampian Public Health Lead Consultant for Place) shared with us about the importance of ‘place’ Paul’s presentation slides can be found here. Dawn James, North East Engagement Officer for RSPB also presented some slides to explain Nature Prescriptions and a pilot project being delivered in Aberdeen City with four GP Practices. Slides can be found here along with further information about Nature Prescriptions can be found here. Dawn also shared with us about the pilot project working with the schools in Fraserburgh empowering pupils and giving them a voice to talk about nature in their school, neighbourhood and town. Dawn’s slides can be found here. Dawn is also seeking volunteers as part of the Fraserburgh project and if you or you know someone who may be interested in volunteering please click here for more details and how to sign-up.
P&WB Network Survey Results - Just before the summer we sent out a survey to the members of the North East Place and Wellbeing Network asking what their thoughts were about the network and what members would like to see in the future. A summary of the results from the survey can be found here. Future Communication - One of the key areas of the network is looking at a communication platform. On 1st October 2-3pm we are looking at how we can communicate across the North East on Place and Wellbeing activities and update our network members. If you are interested in exploring how we can communicate please use the following link to join us. Some members are interested in creating the North East Place and Wellbeing Network as an independent Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation (SCIO). If anyone is interested in developing this further please email Using Place as a Lens to Improve Health 2025! We are starting to work towards planning a symposium for March 2025. If anyone has any ideas or suggestions for a venue please get in touch. We are hoping to combine it with the International Social Prescribing day in March date still to be announced by the international community. Date of Next Place and Wellbeing Network - Tuesday 26th November 10-11am please follow this link to access the meeting.
Noticeboard of other Activities to be shared with the North East Place & Wellbeing Network: Upcoming Events – 12th October (10.30-4pm) The Grampian Gathering at Beach Ballroom, Aberdeen - Open to all people across Grampian – delegates over 50 years old and any services who are interested in supporting older people to live their best retirement. 28th Sept 2024, Seaton Park, Aberdeen - NESCAN – North East Scotland Climate Action Network - NESCAN are hosting an upcoming event. Envirolution (
Recent Publications of Interest: A recent article in the Guardian this week – ‘Better than medication’: prescribing nature works, project shows | Environment | The Guardian A new evaluation on Green Prescribing was published last week - National Evaluation of the Preventing and Tackling Mental Ill Health through Green Social Prescribing Project: Appendices to Final Report - March 2021 to June 2023 | Sheffield Hallam University (
Funding and Other Opportunities: Just Transition Participatory Budgeting Fund is running for its third year this summer. Applications close Monday 23rd September. For more information visit Just Transition Participatory Budgeting Fund (