NHS Grampian News

Radiology Services in Scotland – Patient and Carer Survey


The Scottish Radiology Transformation Programme (SRTP) would appreciate your support to raise awareness with your networks and groups of a survey to gather patient and carer views about radiology services in Scotland.

Annual candle service goes virtual


Each year the NHS Grampian healthcare chaplains organise a Candle Service in memory of the babies and children sadly lost to families in Grampian, Orkney & Shetland. The service this year will take place virtually and will be available to watch from 3.30pm this Sunday (6 December).

Frontline medics thank those who have signed-up to Pick Me Up Project so far


Frontline medics thank those who have signed-up to Pick Me Up Project so far

NHS Grampian launches new scheme to help it treat more acutely ill patients


NHS Grampian is asking businesses and members of the public, in the north-east, to help it treat more patients at the region's hospitals, by freeing up beds, as part of a new project.

Guide to changes in Phase 4 Remobilisation of NHS Grampian Dental Services


From 1st November 2020, the Scottish Government is moving to phase 4 of the NHS Dental Remobilisation Plan.

Flu vaccination programme makes good progress


More than 76,000 people in the over 65 and under 65 at risk cohorts in Grampian have now received their free winter flu immunisation.

NHS Grampian Dental Services


NHS Grampian Dental Services: COVID-19 Response - Notice for our public users

Healthcare chaplaincy team take annual memorial service online


Each year the NHS Grampian healthcare chaplains organise a service of thanksgiving and remembrance, usually taking place at Queen's Cross Church on the second Sunday in September. This was not possible this year, so the team have recorded a virtual service instead.