
Guided Journaling Questions for w/c 31st January


The pandemic has left many of us slightly adrift, not quite lost, but certainly looking for something to grab hold of.

We Care January 2022 Newsletter


The We Care January 2022 Newsletter is now available

Health Calendar 2022


This calendar shows a list of health awareness and health related campaigns due to take place in 2022

Guided journaling questions for week beginning 24th January 2022


It can be tempting to trivialise our own experiences and needs by comparing them with what others are dealing with - telling ourselves that ours are less important, our situation not as bad. Q1. What are you playing down that it is important to you to acknowledge and give time to? Q2. How might honouring and validating these experiences, emotions and needs help you move forward? Q3. What is getting in your way? Q4. What, or who, would help?

Guided Journaling Questions for week beginning 17th January


It’s hard to be still when everything around us is in flux. Yet, choosing to still our minds and be present helps us find strength and courage. Q1. What do you need courage for right now? Q2. What will that enable you to do? Q3. What difference will that make? Q4. Where in your days can you find a few moments to still your mind - find strength and courage? Q5. And what difference might that make?

Guided Journaling questions for week beginning 10th January


New beginnings Q1. Thinking about the new year and new beginnings, what’s important to you? Q2. Instead of choosing a goal for your year ahead you might want to choose just one word instead. What individual words might work for you? Q3. Thinking of one of those words, how might that one word guide you over the coming weeks and months? Q4. What might get in the way? Q5. How can others help you hold true to your word?

Guided Journaling questions for week beginning 3rd January


Q1 Thinking about the new year and new beginnings, what’s important to you? Q2 Instead of choosing a goal for your year ahead you might want to choose just one word instead. What individual words might work for you? Q3 Thinking of one of those words, how might that one word guide you over the coming weeks and months? Q4 What might get in the way? Q5 How can others help you hold true to your word?

Guided Journaling questions for week beginning 27th December


The past 12 months have brought us lots of changes – challenges and opportunities. As you reflect on the year you’ve had, Q1. What are the successes you will build upon? Q2. What have the challenges and opportunities taught you about you? Q3. How has this year been a gift to you? Q4. How are you a gift to the world? Q5. How will you take these gifts forward in to 2022?

Guided Journaling questions for week beginning 20th December


As we head towards the end of the year, the nature around us dies back and becomes dormant in preparation for the next season.