
Women's Health and Wellbeing Fair


Women's Health & Wellbeing Fair at Pittodrie Stadium

Guided Journaling Questions for week commencing 31st October 2022


What are you committed to that you feel resistance to doing? What are you holding onto tightly, and what lightly? What’s the difference between the two?

Guided Journaling questions for w/c 24th October


The term Tattie Holidays, used to describe the October School holidays, lives on despite the fact that with the advent of new farming techniques very few children are involved these days. What terms of reference or descriptions about yourself live on despite them no longer being as important as they once were? If you were to discard the old terms, what would the impact be?

Guided Journaling Questions for week commencing 17th October


We can get so lost in the facts, data and judgements that we end up defending consciously or unconsciously our current situation, approach or thinking. Where in life do you find yourself juggling too many balls? If you could make the balls into something easier to juggle, or if someone else was to look after them, what might happen?

We Care What's On


The We Care What's On guide for Oct-Dec 2022

Guided Journaling Questions for week commencing 10th October 2022


It’s common to think we have a fixed identity – we are who we’ve always been and will continue to be so. Yet, when we look back, we might notice our identity changing over time. Thinking of your identity today, would this identity be familiar to the you of the past? What from your current identity do you wish to take into your future self?

Guided Journaling questions for week commencing 3rd October


We are so steeped in a mechanical relationship with time that we often don’t see it as subjective and organic - instead, we fight for mastery and control: kronos over kairos. For what do you find it easy and more difficult to prioritising your time? What does this tell you?

Guided Journaling questions for w/c 26th September


Wisdom, Compassion, Justice and Integrity. These words, engraved around the head of the Scottish Parliament’s ceremonial mace, set the aspirations for modern Scotland. It is said that there was intended to be a fifth, Courage, but there was no room to inscribe it on the mace. Over the last while, where has your wisdom served you well and where could there be room for courage?

Guided Journaling questions for week commencing 19th September


With one momentous news event after another, it can seem like there is a never-ending demand for our attention. In turn, this can lead to feelings of distraction. If you were to focus on what really mattered now, what would that be and what might that give you?