
Guided Journaling Questions for w/c 23rd May


Einstein said ‘Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow. The important thing is not to stop questioning.’ Q1. What could you learn from yesterday? Q2. How can you live for today? Q3. What do you hope for tomorrow? Q4. In what ways might you benefit from the acts of learning, living and hoping? Q5. What questions might you now ask?

Guided Journaling questions for w/c 16th May


We use rules to organise, structure and govern our systems. All rules are made up, perhaps some should be unmade, and not all of them are written down. Q1. What rules govern you, just because they always have? Q2. What are the unwritten rules that guide you? Q3. Are there any you hold on to though they make no sense? Q4. What would happen if you unmade some of these rules? Q5. What new rules might you make?

Guided Journaling Questions for w/c 9th May


Albert Einstein said 'Imagination is more important than knowledge; for knowledge is limited to all we know and understand, while imagination embraces the entire world, and all there will ever be to know and understand.' Q1. Where might your imagination be more important than knowledge? Q2. How might you grow if you could embrace your imagination? Q3. How could the need for knowledge potentially get in the way? Q4. What balance do you seek for yourself, between imagination and knowledge? Q5. Where now deserves your time and attention?

Guided Journaling questions for w/c 2nd May


How we describe what we notice and feel reinforces what we think we see. Our words shape the way we interpret what is going on around us. Q1. How do your words shape your reality? Q2. How might your perspective change if you chose some different words? Q3. Whose words do you hear? Q4. What word change in a recent conversation might have altered the outcome? Q5. Which words will you change now?

Guided Journaling Questions w/c 25th April


Our ability to tolerate things which are not right, but not wrong enough to really care about, causes an overall pollution in our system - and sometimes the effects are differently experienced. Q1. What do you tolerate which you know in your heart could be better? Q2. Who does this impact: you, your team, your family and friends, or strangers? Q3. What might change if you no longer tolerated this? Q4. What could flourish if the pollution cleared? Q5. What might you no longer tolerate?

Guided Journaling Questions - w/c 18th April


It’s spring and the signs of growth are all around us - perhaps it’s time to nurture your thinking and cultivate new ideas. Q1. What or who could stimulate fresh thinking in you? Q2. How might you cultivate this on a regular basis? Q3. What clutters your mind and holds you back from this? Q4. How can you nurture others to bring freshness to their own thinking? Q5. What new ideas might you now choose to grow?

Wellbeing Sessions: What’s on April – October 2022


Details of various wellbeing sessions organised for April - October 2022

Guided Journaling questions for w/c 28th March


Be it at work or at home, whatever we are engaged with, seeing our strengths helps us build on the positive and keeps us from becoming experts on our weaknesses. Seeing our strengths helps us build our aspirations for the future rather than spending all our time on fixing what’s not working so well. Q1. What are your strengths and how are these helping you now? Q2. How have these grown and developed over recent years? Q3. In what ways might the views of others help you see your strengths for what they are? Q4. Looking to the future, how can your strengths act as an asset for you and others? Q5. What specific strengths might you choose to develop further over the next few months?

Guided Journaling Questions for w/c 21st March


We are surrounded by stories.  They are how we share meaning, how we learn, how we connect and how we protest – they influence everything we do.  Sometimes we find ourselves within a story: a story told to us, or about us. A story of reputation or a story of change.  Q1.  What stories are you part of?  Q2.  Are those stories energising or constraining; enabling or challenging?  Q3.  What do other characters contribute to this story?  Q4.  How might you choose to deviate from the plot that has unfolded so far?  Q5.  How does your next chapter begin?