
Guided Journaling Questions for week commencing 19th December


Is there a difference between waiting and being patient? Who or what are you waiting for and where are you being patient - and what's the difference between the two?

Guided Journaling questions for week commencing 12th December


Sometimes, we’re tempted to settle once we’ve crossed a threshold - we’re relieved and can relax. But the purpose of getting over the line wasn’t to stop - it was to walk on; to find out why we’re in this new place or phase. Otherwise, the draw of going back might become too alluring. What might be there if you take a few more steps?

Guided Journaling questions for week commencing 5th December


We are continually asked to do more with less. This leads us to focusing on conversations about getting the job done rather than the unstructured conversations where ideas can be shared in a way that can lead to real change. What kind of unstructured conversations would you like to have, and how could you create space for these?

Spaces for Listening


Are you looking for some breathing space and a chance to be heard? Come to...

Guided Journaling Questions for week commencing 28th November


When we lack clarity, we tend to conform, and so go back to what we know. To be the ‘odd one out’ might by risky or carry a social cost. Where might you seek clarity to allow you to rehearse, or discuss, new ways to be? What might happen if you didn’t conform?

Guided Journaling Questions for week commencing 21st November 2022


How are you feeling at this point in your week? How can you bring joy to your life over the days ahead?

Guided Journaling Questions for week commening 14th November


Whether it’s a desire to be more organised, focussed, confident, calm, patient, or something else, writing yourself a prescription might help get you on the right track. What treatments do you already know that work, and what are your habits that really don’t help?

An Introduction to the Dynamics of Domestic Abuse


The 16 Days of Activism (or Action) Against Gender-Based Violence is an annual international campaign running from 25th November to 10th December. This year We Care are proud to support this campaign by providing the first in what we hope to be many sessions going forward focusing on the impact domestic abuse can have on individuals and raise the profile and amplify the voices of people affected.

Guided Journaling Questions for week commencing 7th November


Celebration is a ritual that gives us a way to feel good about ourselves and our achievements - be that with bonfires or fireworks, internationally recognised events, or a bar of chocolate for writing a report. Celebration, big or small, is woven through our lives and reinforces things that are important to us. Where might there be room for more celebration in your life?